Ainsley Baker has always done everything for her daughter, but for the first time in eighteen years she wakes up not thinking about her girl. Instead, she’s thinking about the hot man who saved her life while taking two others and wondering if he wouldn’t mind maybe saving more than her life. Who is the mysterious and lethal Robert Nash? And does he want more from her than all the other rich men she’s accustomed to?
For the first time in years, Ainsley is about to do something just for herself and find out. Robert Nash knows Ainsley and what kind of woman she is – always flirting and never staying. He doesn’t care. He only cares about keeping her safe and keeping her. She might think he’s just another rich buffoon with too much time on his hands but the reality of Robert’s life is something much more complex and darker than Ainsley could ever imagine. Will it cause her to run from him if she finds out? Not that it matters, he’s not giving her up
This isn’t the virgin you are looking for…okay, no more bad Star Wars puns. Seriously, this isn’t a virgin book but a book about second chances and the power of love. This story showcases Robert and Ainsley (Aria’s mother from For Love) and how they found their way to their own happy ever after. There is no cheating but a whole lot of sex. Oh, and I’m going to put out the trigger warning now as some of it might be considered dub/noncon so if that’s a big issue go ahead and skip this one and check out Dangerous Seduction (Book Seven) instead. ❤